Thursday, January 24, 2013

"Booking Through Thursday"

Do you ever try to pair music with the book you’re reading? Play the movie soundtrack while reading the original book? Find mood music that fits with your story?
I have to say, No, my personal choice is no music while I am living in another world and someone else's life. 

I don't listen to music while I read. I like complete quiet while I am reading, no distractions. I think that is why I find it difficult to read in a waiting room, there is just to much coming and going, and my mind wanders with all the commotion going on around me.

So when I am reading you will find me in a quiet place, either my little reading corner, or you can also find me reading in the car while the hubby shops, but no music.

How about you, do you have music in the background while you read?


  1. My answer is pretty much the same as yours. I like quiet, although I'm pretty good at tuning out background noise if I have to.
    2 Kids and Tired Books BTT

  2. I agree with your answer.

  3. I'm the same way. I like to read in silence.

  4. Often I read in silence but if I do listen to music I do want it to fit, or at least not clash, with the book I'm reading. My BTT

  5. I can read with background distractions, but do not listen to music while reading.

  6. I actually like to put my iTouch on and listen to soft music when I read. I can't read if people are talking though, that distracts me.

  7. When I became a mom with young kids I learned to read, and write, through any amount of noise. Otherwise I would have gotten nothing read for 10 years!

  8. As much as I adore music, I don't listen to music when I read. Like you, I prefer quiet. :)

  9. Same here! Never want to listen to music and read at the same time!

  10. No music for me either. I just can't do both.

  11. No music while reading...but I CAN totally tune out TV and other distractions, if the book is good enough! I had to laugh when you said you read in the car while your hubby shops!! That sounds backwards to me!
    May I add that sometimes I DO listen to music when I write? It's either got to be instrumental or, off in the distance. If it's in the other room, I can listen to rock 'n roll, etc!
