Friday, October 7, 2011

"Cover Art Weekend Blog Hop" "Aloha Friday"

This is a meme, hosted by Yvonne at Socrates' Book Review Blog to display all those beautiful, funny, crazy and even those that make you think book covers you come across each week. For the rules visit Yvonne's blog.
I started reading this book this week-end, I'm really not sure what I think about it. Some of what is being talked about goes over my head, but other parts are okay. On Sunday evening I hope to finally get to see the movie "The Help". Our little theater will be showing it this week-end. 

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too.
Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question is....
What was the latest book you read?
I just finished "True Colors" by Kristin Hannah. I loved it.


  1. 90 Minutes In Heaven by Don Piper

  2. I'm curious about The Season of Second Chances.

    And I loved True Colors.

    Hope you enjoy The Help. I loved it enough to see it twice!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I just finished reading book 7 of Marti Talbott's Highlander Series - and am now on book 8. :)

    Aloha: Paper Stacks - to Save or Not to Save

  4. I'm still reading Desperate Marriages by Gary Chapman.

  5. I actually hit a really good book sale last weekend and started three books. I hope I can finish them all :)

    Have a great Friday.

  6. I just finished Mile 81 by Stephen King

  7. Hi Gigi Ann

    From the synopsis I am ot sure what to make of 'The Season Of Second Chances', or whether or not I want to read it.

    It has received some great reviews in the US, and although only a couple of reviews have been logged here in the UK, they have both been positive 5 star.

    I think that the cover art is much better on the UK version, I have included a link for you to take a look at and see what you think.

    The last book I finished was 'The Perfect Rose' by American author, Felicia Rogers ...

    Have a great weekend,

    PS Finally got around to following your blog and I shall be linking 'Ann's Reading Corner' to my blogroll.

  8. Lovely cover! I had not heard of Aloha Friday before! Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Just finished The Hunger Games trilogy. I read all three books in one week!
