Monday, June 25, 2012

"Musing Mondays"

This week MizB's musing asks…
Do you set goals for yourself, while reading? For example, “I want to get this book finished this weekend“, or “I will read __ pages today“, etc. Why, or why not?
I like to read at least 100 pages a day when I first start to read a book. Why? I figure by 100 pages I will know if I want to continue reading that book, or if it will go flying across the room onto the 'never to finish reading' pile of books. If I continue reading the book, I continue trying to read at least 100 pages a day. By setting 100 pages a day, I can calculate about how many days it will take me to finish reading the book.
Do you set goals for yourself, while reading?


  1. Sometimes just reading the book is enough of a goal for me.

  2. You are a lot more disciplined than I am. My goals are a lot looser. Every time I see you reading corner I fall in love with it all over again.

  3. I just wanna read. That's about it!

    Here is my post.

  4. Good idea..setting a pages read goal every day. I also give a book approx 75 pages and if it hasn't pulled me in by then it goes in my DNF pile. So far this year have only had 1 of those.

  5. I agree by 100 pages you should know if it is worth going on..but do I have to do it in one day? I can't take the pressure! Lol

  6. What an excellent idea! I think I will try that myself, although often by the time I finally get to start a book, it's at the end of the day, and I am too tired to read too much.

  7. I do set goals for myself too, I find I read more that way.
    100 pages is a good goal to set.

  8. Have to say I don't. I tend to read books that have been recommended, then I look at a review of the book & then the summary on the back page. If I can't get into it after a couple of chapters that's it! I haven't given up on a lot of books through checking them out first but just occasionally I disagree with reviewers!

  9. Because of all the reviews I committed myself too, I end up having to give myself deadlines. I'm hoping to catch up and get back to reading for fun.

    I love the idea of giving a book 100 pages. That should definitely tell you if you will like it or not.

  10. I don't set any amount of reading... Some times I do have to set "less reading" to get other things done... I get books from the library, so have a deadline to get them finished occasionally. If I haven't gotten going on a book I know I want to read I speed it up.
