Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"I'm A Winner...."

From one of the most inventive and celebrated filmmakers of the twentieth century, and co-creator of such classics as Fargo,No Country for Old Men, and True Grit, a collection of poems that offers humor and insight into an artist who has always pushed the boundaries of his craft.
Ethan Coen's screenplays have surprised and delighted international audiences with their hilarious vision and bizarrely profound understanding of human nature. This eccentric genius is revealed again in "The Day the World Ends," a remarkable range of poems that are as funny, ribald, provocative, raw, and often touching as the brilliant films that have made the Coen brothers cult legends.

What a fun surprise for me.... I got an e-mail from Naida telling me I won this book of poems from one of her book give-aways. Thanks Naida, I love winning books, and I am looking forward to reading it. Poetry is one of my favorite pastimes. I even have a poetry blog "Shadows Of My Mind."


  1. Many congrats to you, Gigi Ann! Naida hosts wonderful book giveaways!

  2. Congrats, Ann! I just looked at your other blog, too. I didn't see a Follow button there, so I guess you really mean it is for YOUR enjoyment! LOL
    You are the readingest book reader I've ever known!

  3. Congrats Gigi Ann, happy reading :) I have visited your poetry blog, and it is lovely.

    Thanks Suko :)
