Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Booking Through Thursday"

btt button
saw this article the other day that asked, “Are you ashamed of skipping parts of books?” Which, naturally, made me want to ask all of YOU.
Do you skip ahead in a book? Do you feel badly about it when you do?
I have to honestly say I don't skip through books, and I do no skipping of  the rope either, anymore. But when I was a youngster, I loved skipping rope. I could entertain myself for hours skipping rope. If I tried it for two skips of the rope today, I would be breathless.

The last time I skipped to the end of a book was in 2010, when the book was just so boring, and I had read almost half of it, and I wanted to see who done it, so I skipped to the end and read the last chapter.  Did I feel badly about it? No, not really,  just relieved not to have to continue reading the boring book.

What say you, do you skip ahead in a book?


  1. Hi!
    I did the same last year with a book. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  2. Ohhh GiGi Ann:
    I just love visiting your blog. I just never know what awaits me, albeit another 3 blogs you added, reviews that you said you never would write, a digital reader that you said not for me. and now today's answer that has me laughing so hard that I have tears running down my face. You are just too cute. I would love to see you jumping rope, do you also do it in tandem?

  3. I think I'm going to have to learnt to just accept that some books, I'm never going to finish! Rather than skipping bits, or putting them down thinking I'll come back to them - at the end of the day, if I feel like doing that with a book, it's not worth reading!

  4. You'll find my answer here. Mostly I don't skip but it happens, and I see no reason to feel bad about that. I might also skim certain scenes, like if there is too much violence or forensic detail for my taste.

  5. I'm a skimmer and now a new follower. here is my BTT if you wish to follow back

  6. skipping rope, hey? funny. That would imply repetitive action, which skipping through a book is quite different from!! :-)

    My BTT:

  7. Timely question! I actually mention about this in today's post!

  8. I rarely skip parts of books and I never do it with mysteries.

  9. The only time I skip ahead is when I don't like the book and am ready to give it up and read something else. then if interested enough I'll scan it to get part of the storyline.

  10. I turned to books because I couldn't last long with a skipping rope. Then I find I still do some skipping with books.

  11. You are so good! Some books, even if I like them, just have boring parts that I admit to having to skip to get to the good stuff!

  12. Nope, I never let myself skip parts in books, even if i am really bored of what I am reading! Great blog by the way,

    Jessica from Booked Up!

    :) xxx
