Saturday, December 31, 2011

"A New Year, A New Blog?"

A new year and a new blog!?
I must be a bit tipsy again, what am I thinking creating a new blog? Well, let me tell you...I want a blog where I can keep track of the books I'm reading, and also someplace I can write my own book reviews of those books I've read. My reviews are a bit unconventional compared to others who write such nice book reviews. I have decided to do things 'My Way', be it right or wrong in others minds.

Therefore, starting January 1, 2012 I will be keeping track of the books I'm reading on the new blog, "Book Lust Journal" and writing 'mostly' short reviews. So why not hop right over there for a short visit now.


  1. Happy New Year Gigi Ann. I'm off to check out your new blog! I do enjoy this one very much already.

  2. Well why not? Have fun with your new blog.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Wow! Another blog!! You must have a lot of energy.

    Happy New Year, Gigi Ann.
