Monday, October 31, 2011

"Musing Mondays"

 This week’s musing hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading asks…

Would you say that you read about the same amount now as when you were younger? More? Less? Why?

I read a lot more than I did when I was younger. While in school I read only required reading books, and the books I had to read to write up book reports. 

While I was raising my children (5) I read some books, but very few, because I was busy with real life work, etc. 

Now that I am retired I read books for entertainment. I find so little on TV to watch now a days, that I enjoy, that I have learned I love reading even better than watching TV. I use to watch TV so much that I called myself a TVoholic, but no more... I love reading my books!

I don't write many book reviews, but if you would like to view the books I've read this year go here.


  1. I, too, find TV not worth watching. Would much rather create my own "TV show in my mind" by reading.

  2. I agree, there's nothing on telly nowadays so I don't watch it anymore. I prefer to read a book instead. :)

    Here's my Musing Mondays post

    Happy Halloween!
    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  3. It's always hard to find time to read when life is so busy, makes me miss being a kid again. :)

    Happy Halloween!

  4. I watch less TV all the time. A good book or a lousy TV show is not a hard choice.

  5. I didnt read much at senior school unless it was for study. As a mum of 2 small children, I had a go at crafts of different sorts.

    Then I was laid up with a bad back and books kept me going. Since then books are my only hobby with a busy family of 3 children.

    I do hope to combine my crafts and reading when the kids are older, a long way in the future :)

