Monday, March 19, 2012

"Musing Mondays"

This week's musing at Should Be Reading asks....

Would you choose to review a book if its description sounded interesting but the cover was terrible?

I recently did just that for the book tour of a book. It was for this book "Gods and Fathers."  Not only do I not care for the cover art, but I didn't like the title either. However, after reading the books description it sounded interesting, so I signed up for the book tour, read the book, even though it was out of my comfort reading zone, enjoyed the book, and awarded it four stars. My review.

If I had seen "Gods and Fathers" at a bookstore I would have passed it by and never bought it because of the cover, I just didn't like it.  However, I have been known to buy a book because I did like the cover. Example..."Gilding Lily" by Tatiana Boncompagni, I just loved that cover.

So tell me, do you choose a book by the description or the cover art?


  1. I would have zipped right past that cover and title too. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. I enjoyed Gods and Fathers too but I didn't care for the cover either. I'm a sucker for a nice book cover.

  3. see, I don't like either cover!
    in a bookstore, I think it is important, deciding what I might pick up. But when reviewing..not so much.

  4. I haven't read any books with "terrible" covers lately, so this question is a "toughie". But I think I'd be able to overlook that if the book sounded interesting enough.

  5. It is hard sometimes to pick up a book with a bad cover.

  6. Hi Gigi Ann,

    I would never buy a book just for its cover, as I think that a good book needs to be th whole package ... A good cover; an informative synopsis but not one that gives away to much about the plot; some good first lines as they set the scene for me and help me decide if I am going to enjoy the style of writing; and of course a strong but relevant title...

    Your book 'Gods And Fathers' actually sounds quite good, but that title would have been a real stumbling block for me, without a decent synopsis.

    Have a good week.

  7. I would have walked right past that cover in a bookstore. Glad you liked it though. Here's my MM

  8. I've never reviewed a book but I probably would mention an awful cover in the review. I admit I'm a cover snob.
